About Me

My photo
I live in the Black Hills of South Dakota with my husband Bill, 3 sons, 2 dogs,, 2 horses-now 1, bottle calves and Chicks. I love to Quilt. I enjoy Horses,Gardening, Flowers, Archery, Camping, Fishing, Bottle Calves and all things with animals. I started sewing when I was 8 for 4-H, and have sewed off and on since. I discovered how fun quilting was over 7 years ago. I still sew on a Kenmore that was a graduation gift in 1981. I have a New Kenmore 385.19, and a Viking 400, a Singer Treadle, a Featherweight. and a Viking Ruby. In February 2010 I purchased an APQS Longarm , and Love everyone of them. I taught my 1st paper-piecing class, it was such a blast!

Friday, February 25, 2011

And there were more Blocks....

This has been another eventful and busy week.....
Amongst all the here and there, and runnin' I happened to stop at a second hand store. I never usually even look in the department where they have material, Why I did this day is one of those mysteries. But I did much to my joy. I happened upon these items below with the exception of the new braided rug I purchased 15 1/2 yards of fabric for $12.75 The blue/yellow matched so well with the rug (yes I ended up getting the new rug for $3.00)I decided Spring Table Mats were in order. Now to decide which design to go with...... Further on down you will find many more 4" Farmers Wife Blocks, now will need to get busy on the 3 inch blocks.

Placemats to be...
Possible backing
Table Runner and placemats
A few more 4" Farmers Wife Sampler Blocks and a couple of 6 inch, with a fabric bargain thrown in..... A Great Week!!
Farmers Wife Block # 53 Jackknife
Farmers Wife Block # 54 Kitchen Woodbox
Farmers Wife Block #55 Linoleum
Farmers Wife Block # 56 Maple Leaf
Farmers Wife Block # 57 Morning

Farmers Wife Block # 58 Mother's Dream

4" Farmers Wife Block # 59 Night and Day

4" Farmers Wife Block #60 Noon and Light
Muriel's Blocks- A blogging friend of mine fell and broke her arms and the group we are in decided to continue doing blocks for her. These are the two I made up and will be sending to her next week. They are the Farmers Wife Blocks # 66 Periwinkle and #78 Shooting Star in a 6" block.
My mother in law use to always say
"It's a Good Life If You Don't Weaken" I have decided this is my New motto for the 2011 year!
Have a Wonderful Week and Remember Quilting is soothing, so be sure and Soothe your soul!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Design Wall Monday.....A little Quilting

Design Wall Monday..... My Design Wall today has moved to floors, quilting frames and everywhere in-between......These are the projects I had worked on this last week.
Front.. Back..
Project Warmth Quilt #44 Iquilted this with a Daisy and Swirl Design
Close up of Front
Project Warmth #43 Quilted this one with an all over Puzzle meander
Front and Back...
Close up of Front
Varigated Brown Thread.........Varigated Yellow Thread.....
Empty Spool
Friendship Blocks For Rosa Lea; She requested a full, 1/2 full and/or a Empty Spool I chose to do all three.
Friendship Block for Pat M.
She requested any block with old country teals, browns and creme colors.This is a block from Quilter's Cache and is called Stars and Diamonds.
Farmers Wife Blocks
FWS # 52 Hovering Hawks......FWS # 51 Hovering Birds
A busy week but needed to stay busy....
Be sure and check out the many more Design Wall Mondays by clicking on the Button to the right....

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Someday or weeks have you ever wanted to just scream? I mean an all out "SCREAM"

I know this is kind of an odd thing for me to come out of the blue with but it is how this last couple of weeks has been. I have debated whether to post anything here but have decided this is my blog and it is my choice.

Before Christmas my folks made the decision that it was time for them to sell out the cows at the ranch, it affected me pretty drastically. In meaning the ranch has always been like a release for me, what I mean by that is the one place that everything in the world is as it should be. The one place where I can go and it's quiet (or somewhat), the horses and the cows, a little piece of heaven on earth. I guess the only real peace for me has been there to sum it up. So this was a major decision and one I can honestly say "upset my applecart". I have come to the realization that for my folks it is the right decision and the Best decision.

I truly Love you Mom and Dad!

Now a couple of month later it again has been a trying time in the sense that Three weeks ago we lost a friend Deb to breast cancer. My hubby worked with her hubby, and she had two children close to mine in age.

Then last Friday another wonderful lady named Delia passed away from cancer leaving a beautiful new grandbaby, daughter, sons and husband.

Then also last week I gained the knowledge that someone close to me (I will not release her name-that is her decision to do) has a Stage O. Now from what I am understanding and learning from my doctor ( he is wonderful not only does he treat me when needed he give lots of information when asked too) that this is a very Treatable and has a very high success of cure. This has relieved some of my "screaming so to speak".

Then as if that wasn't enough we found out another friend has discovered she has colin cancer...

Now on Tuesday I had an appointment to take our dog to the vet. To give some background information on this we Had gotten "Shadow" in 2001 as a puppy, my twins were 4 years old and they were with me and we fell in love with her and brought her home. She has been one of those dogs that you treasure.

Fast forward 10 years:::

The last month she had gotten a limp in her hind leg I thought she had gotten a cut on her pad of her foot so have been soaking and it appeared to be getting better until the last week. I decided it was time to take her to the vet, and was given the word that she had a very malignant rare bone cancer in her back hip and upper leg. We decided it was best to put her down, it has been a decision not easily made.

How do you end a friendship of any magnitude?

How do you know you did the right thing?

Further more Why? Why? Why? I would like to know Why we can send men to the moon and beyond but Not come up with a cure for cancer??

Thank you for listening to my ranting and raving. Thank the Lord for quilting because at times it is the one thing that brings a calmness to the world........

Friday, February 11, 2011

Favorite Things Friday.... 2/11/2011

Favorite Things Friday already!
I think the hardest thing about doing Favorite Things Friday is the "Trying to pick One Thing" I have decided it is almost impossible!
To pick your favorite animal- Mine Horses, calves, dogs.
Favorite People- Hubby, Dad, Moms, Kids, Tom Selleck.
Favorite Color Well Blue and then Brown, and Pink
(Do you see a pattern here??) Yeah, IMPOSSIBLE but totally fun trying.
Back to the Favorite Things Friday for today........
My Favorite Thing today is My favorite Silhouette Design.
(or should I say designs) Yeah, You have probably already figured it out, I couldn't post just one. ((giggle giggle))

This one I just finished and is called Horse Parade. It is a pattern by Susan Loland from Black Eyed Susan Designs. I took away two horses and added 3 back in from the original pattern. Also made is shorter to fit above the curtains in my dining room.
This is another I did, a Christine Bump Pattern called Cowboy Sunset.
I liked it so well I did another in reverse.
Then this one is Free Spirit another Christine Bump Design (again in reverse)
Free Spirit By Christine Bump, my son prefers red.
This one I am working on now and it is called "The Roundup" and the pattern is by Mary Stenros from Willow Bend Creations. I am in the process of ironing down then will add some mottled purple borders and quilt.
This is another one I am in the process of making and it is called "Little Cowgirls" and is also by Mary Stenros from Willow Bend Creations. I love the mountain look in the background of the batik.
Well I am sure I could find some more but will quit here. Be sure and pop over to Mrs. P to see some more Favorite Thing Friday's. Just click on the button to the right and it will take you right there.
Have a Wonderful Week!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Design Wall Monday

Design Wall Monday for me hasn't changed much from last Week. Other than I have gotten Horse Parade Sandwiched and Stuck under the needle to begin the Silhoutte sew down.

I decided I wanted to quilt it on my Domestic machine so am getting it ready..

Spray Basting the layers

Ready to safety Pin..... Hopefully I will be able to get this done this week... Will see if it happens. I have two basketball games to attend, 3 practices, 4-H Archery, two Guild Meetings, and of course all the other Quilting I would like to do...... Plus normal Life things.....hee hee .

Be sure and hop on over and check out what everyone else has going on their design walls. Just click on the badge on the right and it will take you right there.

Have a Wonderful Week! Judy

Friday, February 4, 2011

Favorite Things Friday

Here it is Favorite Things Friday and I have managed to miss them since the beginning of the year..... Intentionally NO, but by the time I remembered (it has been crazy here) I had decided it was to late to post. But I did Lurk.....and check out many of them....
As I stated above it has been one of those months where you catch yourself coming, going, and sometimes both at the same time ((giggle). The boys are in 4-H Archery which started this month, I was voted in to be Secretary of one of the Guilds I belong to, One of the Twins joined basketball (which practice is 5 days a week and games 2 days a week) and yeah.... I could go on but you get the idea.....
FOR MY FAVORITE THING FRIDAY.... I would have to say that today this is my favorite thing.
Yes! "The outside thermometer reaching ABOVE 40 degree's"!!
Some may say;"but that is cold", well I must say after this week's -20 degrees (and that is not including the wind chill) 60 degrees difference is huge! Yep! 40 is GREAT! and I am sooooo ready for:
Springtime, and Summer.........and anything above 40 degrees....
May you all have a wonderful Week!

Be sure and hop on over and see the rest f the Favorite Friday, just click on the Gadget to the right and it will take you right there.