It's hard to believe another Summer is about over and school is about to begin....
I intended on blogging more this summer but life continues to be Super busy and never happened.
This is a quilt I quilted for a gal I use to work with
Here is the back also, don't you love the great use of leftover fabrics in the back.
This is the back of another quilt I have quilted for a gal.
The hearts were all appliqued on and she wanted an allover design quilted, so I chose the entertwined hearts design....
Another view
This one is a quilt my cousin made for her Niece as a wedding present...Keep in mind that she had never made a quilt before. While on a trip to Hawaii she seen this material and fell in love with it. She decided to make a twister quilt with it.......
Her very first quilt and all she had was the tool, No Pattern she came up with this on her own....
And the blue with flowers is what she made for the back of the quilt! I love it too!
She had me quilt this for her and chose to have an allover Ribbon design quilted on it.
After we attended the 4-H State Shoot, the boys qualified at it to go to National's. Carl with his Recurve Bow and Casey with his Compound Bow, the following are a couple of pictures while we were at Nationals. It is such a neat experience....
Many disciplines wee represented and many states, I believe there were over 500 kids.
Carl shooting in Recurve
Casey in the orange, head to another target
At Nationals thru each discipline they award Ribbons to the top 10. Carl was eighth in Recurve 3D.
Yeah! Carl! Casey place 52 overall. We are so proud of both boys! They are in a class of shooters that are top in the Nation. While there we met many people from all over the US. What a wonderful experience and they have made many friends who they are still in touch with via text ad etc..
Well I just wanted to do a quick check in My goal is to stat blogging at least once a week, I pray that everyone has a Wonderful and Blessed week. May you all got that moment for some you time....
Your boys sure have grown! The colors in your top quilt look very good together and the pattern is neat!