I came down with a cold that turned kind of nasty. Just when I thought I was over it I started getting pains in my upper right side when breathing that continued to get worse and it has been determined that it is Pleurisy. ( Typically it follows Phnemonia)Now for those of you have had it before, I feel for you, and those of you that haven't feel blessed and pray that you never do! The only thing I can compare it to was a few years ago I ended up with a collapsed lung and it feels pretty similar to that.
But on the bright side it is healing! I spend a lot of time with a moist heat pad and warmth and Advil has become my new best friend. (Though am down to two of them every four hours)Yeah!!
Thru it all I have found that I can still stand and quilt with out it bothering a whole lot. Thank goodness or I think I would be going CRAZY not doing anything. I still get pretty tired easily but can deal with that too.
On another note I am pretty EXCITED I have had one of our Local Quilt Store's call and offer me a job!! Now I know I really don't need one, but I am thinking I will, just because I miss working in a fabric store. I have asked the hubby what he thinks and he hasn't really answered me one way or the other so am not totally sure what that means. But will see what the next couple of weeks brings.
Well I better get this posted. I hope this finds all healthy and keeping busy or at least able to put a few stitches together. Take Care and Have a WONDERFUL rest of the WEEK!!
These are the 5 New quilts that I have finished quilting for Project Warmth